Etsy Store
Natasha has many creative outlets, and has made many of her creations available to purchase on her Etsy store. From signed books, to family liturgy resources, to prayer beads, to FatCat toys, one can find a variety of products at her Cosmos Design store.

Signed Books
Natasha will be making some of her books available as signed copies. She allows for some personalization, as well.
If you or your loved ones are fans of the FatCat books, or anything else that Natasha has been a part of creating, then there is a good chance you can buy signed copies from her Etsy store!
As a way of healing and also paying off hospital bills, Natasha makes prayer beads when she is not well enough to pursue her art of writing. As she puts these Anglican-style rosaries together, she prays and meditates on scripture.
Each rosary's design is based off a saint or early church father, and whoever buys one of these designs will get a quote from one of these fellow Christians who helped found our faith.